Activity diagrams for Internet Banking System | CS1403-CASE Tools Lab

To design the Activity diagrams for Internet Banking System using the software Rational Rose with various UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams in CS1403 - CASE Tools Laboratory.


CUSTOMER DETAILS - New Account Opening:
   The first use case “Customer details” perform the following operation.
The customer details contain the customer name, customer address, phone number and account number. It is used to help the bankers to know the details about the
The second use case “To create a new account” performs the following operation.
   To create a new account, first login the user and check the application form is submitted or not. If the application is fulfilled and submitted, the account will be created or, it just goes to the login phase. Finally the process of creating a new account can be stopped.

The third use case “To withdraw the money” performs the following operation.
The loan detail consists of various types. They are personnel loan, educational loan, car loan, home loan and farmer loan etc., the loan details helps the customer know their needs, and use them. Online Banking System,


The third use case “To deposit the money” performs the following operation.
First, Enter your name and also check the account number. If check the given account number is valid or not. If the account number is valid then check the account and deposited the money. If the account is not valid then the process will be stopped. Online Banking System, Internet Bank Software. Online Banking System


The third use case “To withdraw the money” performs the following operation.
First enter the customer name, then enter the account number and check the account number is valid or not. If the account number is valid, then check the balance. If it is not valid, then the process will be stopped. If the balance is there then the account will be withdrawn otherwise it will be stopped. Internet Bank Software.

Thus the Activity diagrams for Internet Banking System were designed successfully using the software Rational Rose in CS1403 - CASE Tools Laboratory.
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