Use Case diagram for Dictionary System | CS1403-CASE Tools Lab

     To model an Use Case diagram for Dictionary System using Rational Rose Application Software in CS1403-CASE Tools Lab..


Creating a Dictionary system:
The use case diagram for the dictionary system is created. It provides an external view of a dictionary system.
In this system, the user first login to the system with user name and password. user name of every user is unique.
The user enters the word to the system for finding meaning of the word.
The system searches the meaning for the given word.
If the word is available on the database then the system retrieve and display the meaning for the word otherwise it show the message box that
contains please enter correct word.

Identify Actor:
1. User
2. Database

Use cases:
1. Login
2. Enter the word
3. Search
4. Retrieve


   Thus the Use Case diagram for Dictionary System was designed successfully using Rational Rose Application Software.
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